
Jordan Mossa


Jordan Mossa believes his greatest accomplishment in the past year has been being out in the field, despite the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and continuing to serve his clients in the face of rapidly changing market dynamics.

The real estate market has changed dramatically, with home prices skyrocketing, sellers receiving dozens of offers and buyers having to make quick decisions, and people using their retirement savings and borrowing money from relatives to make up the difference between a home’s sale price and appraised values. Extreme heat and wildfires added to the challenge for everyone involved.

Mossa’s outlook can be summed up in this quote by John Rockefeller: “Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” Mossa explained, “To me, this quote translates to: We can’t just sit inside for the sake of safety expecting great things for us or the people we help.”

Jordan Mossa

Tip of the Day

New Conversations Metrics: Measure the Calls That Count

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