Serving as chair of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Strategic Planning Committee in 2022, Rebecca Thomson was charged with leading the development of a new three-year strategic plan, and in just a few short months, led the collaboration among the committee, the Leading-Edge Advisory Board and a consultant to draft a new comprehensive NAR strategic plan and process. She was instrumental in leading and prompting thought-provoking discussions during the two-day Strategic Planning Committee meeting in July of 2022. Her plan and process were presented to the Leadership Team and received unanimous approval.
Thomson is also an advocate for women in real estate, particularly elevating women in leadership at both Coldwell Banker and NAR. “Globally, women are often overlooked, underappreciated and undervalued. By giving deserving candidates opportunities, our agents and offices have thrived,” she says. “These leaders have in-turn become champions for elevating the men and women around them, and watching them perpetuate this culture of collaboration and shared growth is something of great pride.”
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