David Serle is a successful broker with RE/MAX Services who offers mentorship and leadership through his Facebook Live podcast, “Breakfast With the Broker,” where he interviews business and real estate professionals from around the world. After nearly six years, the show has been moved into a professional studio, allowing Serle to give even more value and focus on pressing issues from lawsuits and legislation within Florida, to artificial intelligence, industry disruptors and real estate market data.
Serle was selected as the 2023 president-elect of the third-largest real estate association in the country: Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie REALTORS® as well as BeachesMLS. He will serve as president in 2024, and he will be on various committees at local, state and national associations.
“The most rewarding part of my career is seeing the results of your mentorship and leadership. We continue to form business and personal relationships, and when we see agents be successful in achieving their goals, there is nothing better,” says Serle. “Our goal is to find our replacements—the next generation of leaders and mentors. I will continue to do that when I see the characteristics within leadership I find appealing. Those are humility, empathy, a sense of purpose, ambition and transparency.”
Real estate professionals have myriad challenges to contend with this year as a new presidential administration takes office and we’re faced with a hopefully improved economy. Read more.
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