Search Results for: joe sesso – Page 5

Social Media Success With Marki Lemons – Part 1

Social media is often pushed as a perfect way to connect with potential clients. In real estate, this couldn’t be more true. The struggle is

4 Ways to Attract New Clients

Much of the time, agents are focused on how they can seek out new clients. Whether it’s through farming, mailing flyers or cold-calling, many marketing

Rejection Hurts: 4 Tips to Keep Your Cool

With so many real estate agents vying for their business, buyers and sellers are free to work with and seek a number of different options.

Rejection Hurts: 4 Tips to Keep Your Cool

With so many real estate agents vying for their business, buyers and sellers are free to work with and seek a number of different options.

4 Tips to Bring New Life to Stale Listings

When a listing sits on the market for a while, it can be frustrating for sellers. However, it can be even more frustrating for you,

Managing Your Stress as an Agent

As a real estate agent, you may find yourself stressed out when there is a lot of work on your plate. From making sure a

7 Secrets to Farm Your Area Like a Boss

When it comes to real estate, finding prospects and converting them to leads is one of the most important jobs you have. In the most

Finding That Perfect Untapped and Fun Niche

Niche marketing is a focused, targetable marketing practice of reaching a group of people based on a shared trait, need, or interest. This can be

How to Set Up and Use a CRM

When you first starting thinking of the idea to join a career in real estate, you probably didn’t know the amount of information that you

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