
Katherine Warren


There’s never a time to stop learning, especially when it concerns your business. Propstream’s business proposition is helping real estate professionals develop their skills. In her role at the company, Katherine Warren has designed new, free e-courses.. She celebrated her one year anniversary with Propstream in March 2022; before and after, she has helped the company earn continuous enrollments, numbering into the thousands, and earning all-around positive feedback.

“Helping others to learn and grow through my work. I am proud to have a positive impact on the industry and to work for a company that believes in helping others grow.”

Katherine Warren
Head of Instructional Design and Internal Education

Tip of the Day

Money-Saving Tip: Stop Paying Referral Fees provides millions of free leads to agents and billions in value back to agents. Stop giving away your commissions and paying referral fees! Update your agent profile on Learn more.

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