
Prem Luthra

Elm Street Technology

Prem Luthra, president and CEO of Elm Street Technology, focused on strategic growth in 2020. In Q3, the company acquired IDX Broker, which doubled Elm Street Technology’s annual revenue and staff volume and secured the largest IDX data feed in the United States. That was Elm Street Technology’s sixth acquisition since its founding.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Luthra reevaluated the company’s annual growth goals to retain staff and reassure them that everyone mattered and that no one was disposable. Elm Street Technology quickly shifted sales and support efforts and developed creative ways to support users.

Luthra and his team focus on what technology could and should look like.

“We’re not in the technology business; that’s what we do,” Luthra says. “Why we do it is to play a small role in helping achieve the American Dream: homeownership.”

Prem Luthra
President & Chief Executive Officer

Elm Street Technology
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