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Make Listing Inventory Your 2020 Focus

One quarter down, three to go. What do your business and action plans look like? Do they ensure that you not only hit your goals,

Make Listing Inventory Your 2020 Focus

One quarter down, three to go. What do your business and action plans look like? Do they ensure that you not only hit your goals,

The Power of a CRM

Top agents say that 66 percent of their business comes from their sphere of influence annually, but only if they stay in touch. Putting a

6 Steps to Jump-Start Your Business

Success in this business means finding a track—and sticking to it. It also means being flexible and agile about your strategies. Here are six powerful

Write Yourself a Permission Slip

In real estate (and in life), the fact is that failure is a part of success, and an important one. As I explained to a

Cultivating Compliance and Customers for Life

Boards and associations across the nation are keeping a watchful eye on the news in the wake of the secret, three-plus year buyer discrimination investigation

Listings: Presenting Your Industry First

As a new agent, going on listing appointments can be intimidating, even scary. On a recent coaching call, I had an agent ask what she

The Power of Presence

The fact is, not being present can cost you not only listings, but relationships, as well. If you’ve ever heard me speak, you know that

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