Brittany Newman, vice president and broker for Dan Ryan Builders (DRB) Realty, manages DRB Group’s properties for sale in West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware. She oversees legal compliance, reviews contracts, and manages license renewals, board memberships and MLS memberships. Newman also serves as a business analyst for the Sales department. In 2020, Newman created internal online forms to simplify the process of advertising homes and collaborated in the redevelopment of the CRM business process.
Newman is president-elect of the Eastern Panhandle Board of REALTORS® and chair of the PR/WEB committee. She has served on several committees and held leadership roles at the EP Board of REALTORS®.
Newman believes it is important to always expand one’s knowledge. She strives to be a strong leader and positive role model for young adults and women. Newman quoted Oprah Winfrey: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.”
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