Mark Pruner is the definition of an influencer. When the legislature in his home state began working on laws that he felt would negatively impact his home of Greenwich, Connecticut, he sprang into action. Leveraging his power as the real estate editor of the local newspaper and author of a popular blog, he lobbied lawmakers and successfully got controversial language removed from the bill. Always on the front lines of new trends, Pruner is leading the charge for better housing and work-life balance in the wake of the pandemic, pushing to break the daily commuter nine-to-five lockstep.
“This is a once-in-a century change in the balance between home and workplace,” Pruner says. “People now need larger houses with multiple offices and schooling areas in the home. This is a nationwide trend, but is having a greater impact in Greenwich where more people can do all cash deals.”
It can be the difference between getting a client their dream home or watching them walk away despondent. Read more.
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