
Rebecca Ruiz


Rebecca Ruiz assumed the role of director of communications at RE/MAX in September 2020. Her overarching mission is to promote, enhance and protect the brand’s reputation. She leads external communications, secures media placements, submits brand award nominations, and shares the company’s story and vision with the world.

Before joining RE/MAX, Ruiz worked in public/media relations, sports marketing communications, media placement, social media and event planning in the sports and entertainment industry. She served as director of marketing communications with Kroenke Sports & Entertainment. Ruiz acted as an official spokesperson on all marketing communication efforts for KSE and as the company’s crisis communications manager. She was also named to KSE’s COVID-19 Task Force.

Rebecca Ruiz
Director of Communications

Tip of the Day

Share the Love with Video

Video is the key to increasing your reach and engagement, as social media favors short-form content. Ready to start? Grab our guide and grow your audience. Click here.

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