If you’re planning to have major renovations done to your home, you will most likely be required to get a permit. That can take time and cost you money, but you shouldn’t skip that step. Not getting a permit can come back to haunt you.
Someone Can Get Hurt
A permit and inspection ensure that renovations meet local building codes. If you have work done and you don’t get a permit, the work won’t be inspected. You might wind up living in a house with electrical work that was installed incorrectly and is a fire hazard, or a porch or staircase may be in danger of collapsing.
If a member of your family gets hurt, you will have to cover the medical bills and might also have to deal with lost income. If a visitor gets injured, your homeowners insurance company won’t pay a claim related to work done without a permit. That means that you will have to pay medical bills yourself. You might get sued and lose your home, savings, and investments.
You May Have to Stop the Work
If a local government official finds out that you’re having renovations done without a permit, contractors can be required to stop working. You may have to pay a fine and get a permit, or you may be required to have the work that was done torn out or demolished. Then, you will have to get a permit and start over. The financial cost will be your responsibility.
Don’t assume that your local building department won’t find out about your renovations. If you mention the work to a neighbor, family member, or friend, word can get around. That individual might mention the project to someone else or write about it on social media. A local building official might also happen to be in the area and notice work going on at your house, then check and find out that you don’t have a permit.
You Can Have a Hard Time Selling or Refinancing
If you decide to sell your house in the future, you will be required to disclose any work that you had done without a permit. A potential buyer can require you to get a permit, request a price reduction, or walk away. If you don’t notify a prospective buyer of renovations that you had done without a permit and the sale goes through, you can get sued later if the buyer finds out.
You can also have a hard time refinancing your mortgage if you don’t get a permit for renovations. Before agreeing to a refinance, a lender will require an appraisal. If unpermitted work is discovered, the lender can refuse to approve your request for a refinance.
Do the Right Thing
Getting a permit can seem like a hassle, but permits are required to keep people safe. Not getting one can cost you in all sorts of ways. It’s better to take the time and pay the fee now and avoid problems down the road.