Dennis Cestra, Jr. demonstrated his strategic forethought and insight throughout 2021, spearheading the leadership and integration of a client-relations e-commerce model for the region. This innovative lead generation and routing system across the region allows agents to utilize a virtual assistant platform to gather information, follow up and foster relationships with leads and prospects, bringing them full circle to a sale point. Since the system was put in place in June 2021, 62% of leads were routed through the virtual assistant, with 88% of them successfully engaged in the Howard Hanna family of companies.
“I am fortunate to work with such a smart and dedicated team of growth focused professionals,” says Cestra, Jr. “It’s only because of them that we have been able to implement this progressive technology stack, which has led to a 50% production increase over the last five years.” His efforts have benefited both agents and clients, and has brought relationship-building and time management to new heights.
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